Friday, December 17, 2010

Guest Blog Week: 5 Fabulous Shoes for the Classy Career Girl

In rather timely fashion to being #WorkStyleWeek with the fabulous the ladies of Cubicle Chic, I was also approached to do a guest blog for Anna also known as the Classy Career Girl

So I give to you ‘5 Fabulous Shoes for the Career Girl .’ 

While this week has turned out to be my guest blog week, I do hope that it has also given you great work shoe options and great tips for looking fantastic all year round.

Have a great weekend being Santa’s little helpers! ;)



Anonymous said...

this is great article... great focus on ladies shoes.
i am big fan of ladies shoes
i m very happy to learn about it.
thanks for sharing it.

The Working Girl's Shoe Closet said...

@Ladies Shoes- Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by! We share a love for ladies shoes! ;)
